Body-consciousness takes form in SHEILA

For the staged reading of her original play, SHEILA, a colleague of mine wanted minimal props — with one exception. She enlisted me to embark on a 2-day project sprint, during which time I designed and constructed Sheila, the physical manifestation of the protagonist’s struggle with her own bodily limitations and desires.

SHEILA follows the journey of six eclectic female-identifying roommates as they navigate relationships with others and themselves.

The artistic Samantha constructs a sculpture of a woman, dubbed “Sheila,” as the play unfolds and the audience learns of her chronic health issues. A foil for her own unattainable ideal, the play climaxes when Samantha rips her creation apart.

What does your ideal body look like? How would you approach constructing it? SHEILA provides a platform for the audience to engage with the unspoken realities and challenges of living in one’s skin, and opens the door for communal dialogue around how we support one another.




Art Practice